!--- Opening output file: PCoes.txt 2021.09.08.2129.00.468 This is: "PolyGen.exe", By: Jeff Setterholm Version 1.1 2021.09.05 Lakeville, MN 55044 USA Change: output file *.bin -> *.bim Output: a large binary file of very accurate matrix coefficients. : Up to 8th order the nearest integers are scaled exact values & can be written to a .csv file by `Polyize.exe`. : 2000+ coefficient polynomials up to 20th order can be computed. "IntroToPolyGen.txt" - has some background information. "PolyGen.ini" - has your program control inputs. ... opening it now... !--- Run configuration: Values # 2,:1 nVT -independent variables ,:2`order` =power of each variable- evens only 4, 4, 1,:3 iPolyClass - 1:exact, 2:unscaled ,:4 TEC - Time Estimate Coefficient = 218422.0 !--- Assigned internally: 2,:5 iOutFiles Output- 1:.csv, 2:.bim, 3:both ,:6 cFileOut - `PolyGen`+hex+`.bim` ,:6 cFileOut - `PolyGen`+hex+`.bim` = PCoesE244.bim order indices ^ are augmented hexadecimals:{ 0,15}->{0:f} -&- 16->g 17->h 18->i 19->j 20 -> k !--- Overview: 4, :Highest `order` 2, :# of variables 4, :Order of X( 1) 4, :Order of X( 2) 25, :# of Poly Coeff`s 625, :# of matrix Coeff`s 0.003, estimated runtime (minutes) !--- Data entry - done 2021.09.08.2129.00.484 !--- task`s time: . . . 16 All arrays needed have been successfully allocated Subroutine PowersMatrixGen(): !--- MatrixExportPrep(): 0.256000000000000000000000000000E+03, Division factor 256.000000000000000000000000000000, 0.100000000000000000000000000000E+01, matrix MaxAbs 1.000000000000000000000000000000, 0.390625000000000000000000000000E-02, matrix MinAbs 0.003906250000000000000000000000, 256.000, :Matrix - biggest integer- decimal 256.000, :storage space needed- i*1,i*2,i*4,i*8 21098765432109876543210987654321, :digits index 3 2 1 5, : digits recommended w/`.` !--- Powers matrix - done 2021.09.08.2129.00.500 !--- task`s time: . . . 16 Coe[,] = inverse(Pow[,]), inversion progress bar... 0.309688665911522775786579586565E-05, :Determinant 0.000003096886659115227757865796, !--- 2021.09.08.2129.00.500 Evaluating the inversion accuracy... 0.642E-30, :AbsMax r*16 inversion error in [Coe*Pow-I] !--- Powers matrix - inverted 2021.09.08.2129.00.500 !--- task`s time: . . . !--- MatrixExportPrep(): 0.360000000000000000000000000000E+02, Division factor 36.000000000000000000000000000000, 0.250000000000000000000000000000E+02, matrix MaxAbs 24.999999999999999999999999999999, 0.277777777777777777777777777777E-01, matrix MinAbs 0.027777777777777777777777777778, 900.000, :Matrix - biggest integer- decimal 900.000, :storage space needed- i*1,i*2,i*4,i*8 21098765432109876543210987654321, :digits index 3 2 1 5, : digits recommended w/`.` !--- Coeffs matrix - done 2021.09.08.2129.00.515 !--- task`s time: . . . 15 PCoesE244.bim Binary file data write/read sequence- integer*4`s & real*16`s: 4, i* 4 nVT -Number of independent variables fixed size 4, i* 4 nOrdMax -Highest order variable ` ` 4, i* 4 nCT -Number of polynomial coefficients ` ` 40, i* 4 nOrd(20) -Order of each variable ` ` 4, i* 4 iPolyClass-=1:exact, =2:unscaled ` ` 4, i* 4 iCoeDigits- +***. <-count ` ` 4, i* 4 iCoeDeciPl-number of digits after . ` ` 16, r*16 CoeDiv -Coe[,] dividing factor ` ` 16, r*16 CoeMaxScaled -AbsMax Coe[,] ` ` 4, i* 4 iPowDigits- +***. <-count ` ` 4, i* 4 iPowDeciPl-number of digits after . ` ` 16, r*16 PowDiv -Pow[,] dividing factor ` ` 16, r*16 PowMaxScaled -AbsMax Pow[,] ` ` 160, r*16 X[0:nOrdMax,nVT] -Variable values to use allocated 200, i* 4 nVnC[nVT ,nCT] -Values combinations sequence ` 10000, r*16 Coe[ nCT ,nCT] -The coefficients solver ` 10000, r*16 Pow[ nCT ,nCT] Coe[,] = inverse(Pow[,]) ` 20496, Total Bytes 0.000 :write-time-minutes ballpark !--- Binary file - exported 2021.09.08.2129.00.796 !--- task`s time: . . .281 Arrays deallocated !--- Done. 2021.09.08.2129.00.796 !--- task`s time . . . !--- Elapsed time: . . .328 year ^m ^d ^h^m ^s ^ms 114329.268,:TEC- measured matrix coefficients per minute Link: http://ftp.setterholm.com/ExactInversePolynomials/PolyGen.zip Analyst: Jeff Setterholm Lakeville MN 55044 USA Tuesday 2020.04.06 ********, PolyGen.exe is post-copyright i.e.:FREE ,******** My legal disclaimer: *********************************************************** ********, Individual cognition is always flawed ,******** ********, including yours & mine. ,******** ********, - So: - ,******** ********, Use these results at your own risk. ,******** *********************************************************** Mitigate malfunctions. Nurture synergies. !--- Ending "PolyGen.exe"