nPoints 72 Id, X, Y, Z, Latitude, Longitude, Elev(m) 01, -269059.954, -4537447.054, 4459841.999, 44.6479351329, -93.3935314295, 346.537 02, -269059.441, -4537438.395, 4459833.431, 44.6479351347, -93.3935314324, 334.345 03, -269058.928, -4537429.737, 4459824.863, 44.6479351365, -93.3935314354, 322.153 04, -269058.414, -4537421.078, 4459816.295, 44.6479351384, -93.3935314383, 309.961 05, -269057.901, -4537412.419, 4459807.728, 44.6479351402, -93.3935314412, 297.769 06, -269057.388, -4537403.760, 4459799.160, 44.6479351420, -93.3935314442, 285.577 07, -269056.875, -4537395.101, 4459790.592, 44.6479351439, -93.3935314471, 273.385 08, -269056.362, -4537386.443, 4459782.024, 44.6479351457, -93.3935314500, 261.193 09, -269081.838, -4537490.453, 4459796.828, 44.6473638153, -93.3937744192, 346.537 10, -269081.325, -4537481.794, 4459788.261, 44.6473638160, -93.3937744226, 334.345 11, -269080.812, -4537473.135, 4459779.693, 44.6473638168, -93.3937744260, 322.153 12, -269080.299, -4537464.476, 4459771.125, 44.6473638175, -93.3937744294, 309.961 13, -269079.786, -4537455.817, 4459762.557, 44.6473638182, -93.3937744328, 297.769 14, -269079.272, -4537447.159, 4459753.989, 44.6473638190, -93.3937744362, 285.577 15, -269078.759, -4537438.500, 4459745.422, 44.6473638197, -93.3937744396, 273.385 16, -269078.246, -4537429.841, 4459736.854, 44.6473638204, -93.3937744430, 261.193 17, -269103.723, -4537533.851, 4459751.658, 44.6467924971, -93.3940174042, 346.537 18, -269103.210, -4537525.192, 4459743.090, 44.6467924968, -93.3940174080, 334.345 19, -269102.697, -4537516.533, 4459734.522, 44.6467924964, -93.3940174119, 322.153 20, -269102.183, -4537507.875, 4459725.955, 44.6467924960, -93.3940174158, 309.961 21, -269101.670, -4537499.216, 4459717.387, 44.6467924957, -93.3940174196, 297.769 22, -269101.157, -4537490.557, 4459708.819, 44.6467924953, -93.3940174235, 285.577 23, -269100.644, -4537481.898, 4459700.251, 44.6467924950, -93.3940174273, 273.385 24, -269100.130, -4537473.239, 4459691.684, 44.6467924946, -93.3940174312, 261.193 25, -268920.889, -4537485.456, 4459811.519, 44.6475496369, -93.3917529274, 346.535 26, -268920.376, -4537476.797, 4459802.951, 44.6475496379, -93.3917529270, 334.343 27, -268919.863, -4537468.138, 4459794.384, 44.6475496390, -93.3917529265, 322.151 28, -268919.350, -4537459.479, 4459785.816, 44.6475496401, -93.3917529260, 309.959 29, -268918.837, -4537450.821, 4459777.248, 44.6475496412, -93.3917529256, 297.767 30, -268918.323, -4537442.162, 4459768.680, 44.6475496423, -93.3917529251, 285.575 31, -268917.810, -4537433.503, 4459760.112, 44.6475496434, -93.3917529246, 273.383 32, -268917.297, -4537424.844, 4459751.545, 44.6475496445, -93.3917529242, 261.191 33, -268942.774, -4537528.854, 4459766.349, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 346.535 34, -268942.261, -4537520.196, 4459757.781, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 334.343 35, -268941.747, -4537511.537, 4459749.213, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 322.151 36, -268941.234, -4537502.878, 4459740.645, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 309.959 37, -268940.721, -4537494.219, 4459732.078, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 297.767 38, -268940.208, -4537485.560, 4459723.510, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 285.575 39, -268939.695, -4537476.901, 4459714.942, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 273.383 40, -268939.181, -4537468.243, 4459706.374, 44.6469783230, -93.3919959330, 261.191 41, -268964.658, -4537572.253, 4459721.178, 44.6464070086, -93.3922389338, 346.535 42, -268964.145, -4537563.594, 4459712.610, 44.6464070075, -93.3922389343, 334.343 43, -268963.632, -4537554.935, 4459704.043, 44.6464070064, -93.3922389347, 322.151 44, -268963.119, -4537546.276, 4459695.475, 44.6464070053, -93.3922389352, 309.959 45, -268962.605, -4537537.618, 4459686.907, 44.6464070042, -93.3922389357, 297.767 46, -268962.092, -4537528.959, 4459678.339, 44.6464070031, -93.3922389361, 285.575 47, -268961.579, -4537520.300, 4459669.772, 44.6464070020, -93.3922389366, 273.383 48, -268961.066, -4537511.641, 4459661.204, 44.6464070009, -93.3922389370, 261.191 49, -268781.825, -4537523.858, 4459781.039, 44.6471641131, -93.3899744489, 346.537 50, -268781.312, -4537515.199, 4459772.472, 44.6471641135, -93.3899744450, 334.345 51, -268780.798, -4537506.540, 4459763.904, 44.6471641138, -93.3899744412, 322.153 52, -268780.285, -4537497.881, 4459755.336, 44.6471641142, -93.3899744373, 309.961 53, -268779.772, -4537489.222, 4459746.768, 44.6471641145, -93.3899744335, 297.769 54, -268779.259, -4537480.564, 4459738.201, 44.6471641149, -93.3899744296, 285.577 55, -268778.745, -4537471.905, 4459729.633, 44.6471641152, -93.3899744258, 273.385 56, -268778.232, -4537463.246, 4459721.065, 44.6471641156, -93.3899744219, 261.193 57, -268803.709, -4537567.256, 4459735.869, 44.6465928030, -93.3902174703, 346.537 58, -268803.196, -4537558.597, 4459727.301, 44.6465928023, -93.3902174669, 334.345 59, -268802.683, -4537549.938, 4459718.733, 44.6465928015, -93.3902174635, 322.153 60, -268802.170, -4537541.280, 4459710.166, 44.6465928008, -93.3902174601, 309.961 61, -268801.656, -4537532.621, 4459701.598, 44.6465928000, -93.3902174568, 297.769 62, -268801.143, -4537523.962, 4459693.030, 44.6465927993, -93.3902174534, 285.577 63, -268800.630, -4537515.303, 4459684.462, 44.6465927986, -93.3902174500, 273.385 64, -268800.117, -4537506.644, 4459675.895, 44.6465927978, -93.3902174466, 261.193 65, -268825.594, -4537610.654, 4459690.698, 44.6460214923, -93.3904604870, 346.537 66, -268825.080, -4537601.996, 4459682.131, 44.6460214905, -93.3904604840, 334.345 67, -268824.567, -4537593.337, 4459673.563, 44.6460214887, -93.3904604811, 322.153 68, -268824.054, -4537584.678, 4459664.995, 44.6460214868, -93.3904604782, 309.961 69, -268823.541, -4537576.019, 4459656.427, 44.6460214850, -93.3904604753, 297.769 70, -268823.028, -4537567.360, 4459647.860, 44.6460214832, -93.3904604723, 285.577 71, -268822.514, -4537558.702, 4459639.292, 44.6460214813, -93.3904604694, 273.385 72, -268822.001, -4537550.043, 4459630.724, 44.6460214795, -93.3904604665, 261.193 KFAN Transmitter Site: 3x3 antennas, Credit River Township, MN. Red/white color change points.(WGS-84 ECEF coordinates). 2009.10.02 - First Draft ID`s (above) and KFAN`s #`s relative locations: #2 #3 #4 #5 01 #1 25 #6 49 02 26 50 #7 09 03 #8 33 27 ^ #9 57 51 10 04 34 28 u 58 52 17 11 05 41 35 29 p 65 59 53 18 12 06 42 36 30 66 60 54 19 13 07 43 37 31 h 67 61 55 20 14 08 44 38 32 t 68 62 56 21 15 45 39 r 69 63 22 16 46 40 o 70 64 23 47 N 71 24 48 ~ East-> 72 `Top` points: 01,09,17,25,33,41,49,57,65 -and the- `bottom` points: 08,16,22,32,40,48,56,64,72 have the vertical spacing of the color change points Jeff Setterholm, Lakeville,MN, (952)461-3445, October 2,2009 Helpful contributors: Aaron White of KFAN - initial overall geometry : Jess Meyer of ClearChannel - segment lengths & site access : Brian Udell of Scott Co.,MN GIS - coordination with surveyors : Scott Co.,MN surveyors - antenna lat/lon's : Scott Co.,MN`s GIS website - 2' contour information : Geospan Corp., Maple Grove,MN - Aerial imagery of site & permission to proceed. Per Scott County's surveyors: !--- Scott County MN survey results: KFAN# data SurveyLatLon / 44.647934467d0, -93.393528327d0 & !2 (most Northern antenna) ,44.647363820d0, -93.393774446d0 & !5 ,44.646793172d0, -93.394020561d0 & !7 ,44.647548967d0, -93.391749798d0 & !3 ,44.646978323d0, -93.391995933d0 & !1 ,44.646407679d0, -93.392242063d0 & !8 ,44.647163439d0, -93.389971292d0 & !4 (most Eastern antenna) ,44.646592799d0, -93.390217442d0 & !6 ,44.646022159d0, -93.390463588d0 / !9 !--- which I compute implies: SpacingNorth= 66.353d0 meters SpacingEast =147.454d0 meters PatternYaw = 16.890438d0 degrees (w.r.t. true North) Per Jess Meyer: The mechanical segment design lengths are 20 feet exactly. Each color appears to extend along two segments; hence: SpacingDown = 12.192d0 meters The table's interpoint 3-D geometry reflects a uniform, unskewed, 3-D grid. To the extent that the antennas themselves are straight and unskewed, the horizontal registration of the grid should be excellent. The elevation of the water in the drainage ditch appears to drop about one meter going from left to right, whereas the flow goes from right to left. In my visualization tool, the water elevation by antenna #1, is ~ 258.8 meters. Overall vertical adjustment of the points, to reflect WGS84 ellipsoid height, needs to be improved. Hence, this is a "First Draft".