TweakEngine.Exe, version:1.0, 2018.10.09, Public Domain Jeff Setterholm, Lakeville, MN, USA Tuesday, October 9, 2018 ! Best-Fitting the Continuous Parameters of ! Your : Linear/Non-Linear Algorithmic Models of ! Your : Arbitrarily Large Datasets ! with Extreme Accuracy. Tweak-Begin.f95 introduces the software. Un-zipped Directory (on your computer): 10/22/2018 11:44 AM * 5,139 Tweak-Engine-Directory.txt <-This file 10/09/2018 10:57 AM 5,258 Tweak.gui 10/09/2018 10:16 AM * 24,018 Tweak-Begin.f95 <- Start here 10/09/2018 10:18 AM * 60,808 Tweak-Engine.F95 <- The beef 10/09/2018 10:57 AM * 19,749 Tweak-User.F95 <- Your interface 10/09/2018 09:19 AM * 50,431 Tweak-Vis.f95 <- 3D graphics support 10/09/2018 10:57 AM 1,045,184 Tweak.exf <- change to .exe to run 10/09/2018 12:20 PM 1,619 Tweak-user.nml <- runtime variable mods 10/21/2018 12:22 PM 52,121 Cover-Tweak-Engine.pdf <- updated 10/09/2018 12:20 PM 15,319 Tweak-out.txt <- numeric outputs 10/09/2018 12:20 PM 1,330 Tweak-params.txt 10/09/2018 12:20 PM 1,355,019 Tweak-3dJTL.txt <- 3D outputs 10/09/2018 12:20 PM 1,482,062 Tweak-3dDraw.3dv <- viewed by... 10/09/2018 12:17 PM 520,608 3DEnv.exf <- change to .exe 11/08/2001 02:27 AM 237,568 glut32.dll <- Needed by 3DEnv.exe See 'GLUT notes' below. 10/09/2018 08:12 AM 73 App-F5-3dvFileName.ini 10/10/2018 05:39 AM * 248,566 3DEnv-Selfie-Intro.jpg ~18 File(s) ~5,244,788 bytes \ColorCodedSource-prn The Absoft editor exports color-coded, line-numbered source printouts to Microsoft Office Document Imaging (version 11.0) as .prn files. The .prn files can be converted to standard .tif files 10/16/2018 08:23 AM 65,744 Tweak-Begin.prn 10/16/2018 08:28 AM 177,530 Tweak-Engine.prn 10/16/2018 08:31 AM 58,888 Tweak-User.prn 10/16/2018 08:32 AM 138,132 Tweak-Vis.prn 4 File(s) 440,294 bytes 2018.10.10 Modified .zip file organization: 2018.10.16 Added the .prn printouts subdirectory: 10/22/2018 12:01 PM * 1,717,471 <- Download this * = in post: "Tweak-Engine" The 17 screen selfies listed below are posted in subdirectory /Images: Non-Linear problem & fit using RSS partials & BtB,BtZ: 13 iterations 10/09/2018 11:08 AM * 604,208 Selfie-A1.jpg Perspective 10/09/2018 11:08 AM * 904,453 Selfie-A2.jpg Red|Cyan 3D 10/09/2018 11:08 AM * 868,906 Selfie-A3.jpg X-eye 3D & fit using only BtB BtZ: 26 iterations 10/09/2018 11:19 AM * 793,945 Selfie-B1.jpg Perspective 10/09/2018 11:19 AM * 1,185,610 Selfie-B2.jpg Red|Cyan 3D 10/09/2018 11:19 AM * 1,072,302 Selfie-B3.jpg X-eye 3D & fit using RSS partials for the first 19 of 28 iterations: 10/09/2018 11:30 AM * 734,007 Selfie-C1.jpg Perspective 10/09/2018 11:30 AM * 1,093,064 Selfie-C2.jpg Red|Cyan 3D 10/09/2018 11:30 AM * 999,310 Selfie-C3.jpg X-eye 3D 10/09/2018 11:30 AM * 335,464 Selfie-C4.jpg RSS partials closeup ---------------------- Linear problem & fit using BtB,BtZ: 4 iterations 10/09/2018 11:59 AM * 638,364 Selfie-D1.jpg Perspective 10/09/2018 11:59 AM * 953,259 Selfie-D2.jpg Red|Cyan 3D 10/09/2018 11:59 AM * 748,051 Selfie-D3.jpg X-eye 3D & fit using RSS partials for the first 19 of 21 iterations: 10/09/2018 12:08 PM * 849,952 Selfie-E1.jpg Perspective 10/09/2018 12:08 PM * 1,283,780 Selfie-E2.jpg Red|Cyan 3D 10/09/2018 12:08 PM * 920,230 Selfie-E3.jpg X-eye 3D 10/09/2018 12:08 PM * 1,682,279 Selfie-E4.jpg RSS partials closeup 17 File(s) 15,667,184 bytes ____________________________________________________________________________ 'GLUT Notes' 2016.06.26: The version of GLUT that I use to build & run 3DEnv.exe is: 01/08/2002 06:36 AM 119,897 ...which extracts to: 02/10/1999 12:46 PM 2,290 glut.def 12/13/2000 12:22 AM 27,670 glut.h 11/08/2001 02:27 AM 237,568 glut32.dll <-- Needed to run 3DEnv.exe 11/08/2001 02:27 AM 28,728 glut32.lib ^ 'Not found' message, 11/08/2001 02:42 AM 26,454 README-win32.txt & extracted above. 6 File(s) 322,741 bytes ____________________________________________________________________________