The concepts & software herein are free. This software runs on my MS Windows-10 64-bit Operating system on a computer with 24MB of memory. Use the software at your own risk. No warranties are expressed or implied. Link: Jeff Setterholm, Lakeville, MN 55044 USA 2025.01.27 ---------------------------- 01/28/2025 06:45 AM 140,751,638 <- has all the files. unzipped: 452,348,433 bytes ---------------------------- This smaller .zip omits the four largest precomputed Zone files: 01/28/2025 12:02 AM 22,687,517 & unpacked at link. unzipped: 24,555,190 bytes and the four omitted files are in: 01/27/2025 09:38 PM 119,886,712 not unpacked. unzipped: 429,766,860 bytes F:\Min-Steps-RC ------------------------------------------ 01/28/2025 06:36 AM 2,359,405 Min-Steps.pdf <- the technical report 01/27/2025 11:17 PM 8,697 MS0-Dir-Doc.txt <- this file The program was written in Fortran using Absoft Pro Fortran 21.0.1 and is close to being compliant with the Fortran 95 standard. Absoft IDE builder: 01/25/2025 04:50 PM 42,210 MS-RC-64.atools Source files- ~Fortran 95 01/25/2025 02:20 PM 12,418 MS1-Launch.f95 01/17/2025 04:56 PM 20,386 MS2-RC-NamesEtc.f95 01/25/2025 02:45 PM 38,650 MS3-RC-Workout.f95 01/19/2025 06:13 PM 15,178 MS4-RC-Emulator.f95 01/19/2025 03:39 PM 13,002 MS5-RC-ConCat.f95 01/25/2025 04:26 PM 31,621 MS6-RC-Solve.f95 ...for color-coded source- see subdirectory: 01/23/2025 01:43 PM Source-ColorCodedPdf The Executable file: In order to run this application: 01/25/2025 04:26 PM 633,344 MS-RC-64.exf <-** change .exf to .exe ** Emulator data tables: 01/07/2025 12:48 PM 14,113 Data-AttConcat.txt 01/05/2025 07:46 PM 46,349 Data-Emulator.txt 01/14/2025 01:35 PM 6,341 Data-Indexer.txt 01/14/2025 01:26 PM 4,616 Data-nLAV.txt Other tables & illustrations: 03/20/2024 06:44 PM 2,436 Data-Attitudes.txt 01/03/2025 01:30 PM 3,574 Data-Locations.txt 01/02/2025 06:52 PM 326,033 Attitudes-3D.jpg The modes of operation are: Zone use, Zone generation, and scramble generation: 01/26/2025 10:25 AM 5,867 MS3.ini <- selects the *.nml to use from the list below. & run: MS-RC-64.exe ------------------- Scramble generation- 3x3x3- use the first 8 cells for 2x2x2's: 01/23/2025 03:34 PM select 2,816 R3-ScrambleGen.nml 01/23/2025 06:01 PM 6,378 R3-ScrambleGen-Summary.txt ------------------- Zone use- 2x2x2 scrambles- solve in the fewest moves: 01/23/2025 03:41 PM select 3,290 R2-ZoneUse.nml 01/26/2025 10:52 AM 29,170 R2-ZoneUse-Summary.txt <-session summary ------------------- Zone use- 3x3x3- 3 Zones in play, but Zones #2 & #3 don't cooperate: 01/25/2025 04:05 PM 3,946 R3-ZoneUse.nml 01/25/2025 04:30 PM 31,919 R3-ZoneUse-Summary.txt -------------------- Zone generatiom- Rubik forward-right-down cells quadrant [8,16,19,20]: 01/23/2025 03:48 PM select 6,391 R3Q-08161920-12.nml 01/23/2025 06:04 PM initializer 2,696 R3Q-08161920-12-Ein.bim <-binary 01/23/2025 06:04 PM Discords 253,440 R3Q-08161920-12-RrToDis.bim <-binary 01/23/2025 06:04 PM 26,031 R3Q-08161920-12-Summary.txt Zone generatiom- Rubik non-quad corners [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: [8] is fixed. 01/23/2025 03:49 PM select 6,359 R2C-1234567-6.nml 01/16/2025 05:24 PM 2,696 R2C-1234567-6-Ein.bim 01/16/2025 05:31 PM 232,696,380 R2C-1234567-6-RrAscii.txt 01/16/2025 05:31 PM 11,022,480 R2C-1234567-6-RrToDis.bim 01/16/2025 05:31 PM 33,180 R2C-1234567-6-Summary.txt Zone generatiom- Rubik non-quad edges [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18]: 01/23/2025 03:46 PM select 8,006 R3E-091011121314151718-6.nml 01/18/2025 12:33 AM 2,696 R3E-091011121314151718-6-Ein.bim 01/18/2025 02:46 AM 185,794,560 R3E-091011121314151718-6-RrToDis.bim 01/18/2025 02:46 AM 43,300 R3E-091011121314151718-6-Summary.txt -------------------- 01/23/2025 03:44 PM select 2,292 R3-All-12.nml -------------------- 01/23/2025 01:48 PM 150 z_Dir-here.bat 40 File(s) 433,239,288 F:\Min-Steps-RC\ReferencePdfs+Images ----------------------- These seven .pdf files all have line numbers which are frequently referenced. Be able to easily access this key reference .pdf: 01/28/2025 06:56 AM 876,608 MS0-Dir-Doc-txt.pdf #0 Fortran 95 .pdf`s: created using an Absoft Pro Fortran 2022 compiler: The .pdf source codes also include syntax color-codes. (Red text: comments) 01/25/2025 04:32 PM 1,117,113 Ms1-Launch-f95.pdf #1 Module MS1Def #1L17+ -boilerplate variables Program MS1Launch #1L63+ -opens cOutFile -calls ReadYourNml() -transfers control to ImportEin() Subroutine SaveOutFile #1L147+ -closes/opens cOutFile Subroutine Jdate22() #1L162+ -World dates × Subroutine nRunSec() #1L195+ -big, precise interval clocks Subroutine MyLenTrim() #1L295+ -truncates strings Subroutine Beamer() #1L280+ -progress bar ^^^:these are .pdf line numbers 01/23/2025 06:18 PM 1,690,381 MS2-RC-NamesEtc-f95.pdf #2 Module MS2RCDef #2L14+ -Min-Steps & RC variables 01/25/2025 04:33 PM 3,663,941 MS3-RC-Workout-f95.pdf #3 Subroutine MinStepSolver() #3L21+ -Min-Steps Lookup tables generator ...opens & writes many files Subroutine BitLog() #3L548+ -Results Novelty tracker Subroutine ReadYourNml() #3L639+ -called by MS1Launch at the outset. -opens 'MS4.ini' & EnvNml Subroutine ImportEin() #3L713+ -internalizes .nml data -branches to apps via %iType Subroutine PrintErec() #3L774+ -view Emulator setup records the core of Zone(s) setup/use and runtine inputs Subroutine PrintSRrec() #3L871+ -view Sequence/Result records the core of Lookup table gen. 01/23/2025 06:19 PM 1,296,571 MS4-RC-Emulator-f95.pdf #4 -array-based Emulator Subroutine EmulatorRC() #4L12+ -uses Data-Emulator.txt Recursive Function Indexer()#4L116+ -uses Data-Indexer.txt 01/23/2025 06:19 PM 1,184,881 MS5-RC-ConCat-f95.pdf #5 Subroutine Concatenate() #5L14+ -uses Data-nLAV.txt -uses Data-AttConcat.txt Subroutine AllMoves() #5L106+ -concatenation-based Emulator Subroutine ComputeOrder() #5L260+ -order(s) of Zone subsets 01/25/2025 04:31 PM 2,754,138 MS6-RC-Solve-f95.pdf #6 Subroutine GenScramble() #6L15+ -uses Data-Emulator.txt Subroutine SolveScramble() #6L98+ -exercises Zones, solves 2x2x2's -uses Data-Emulator.txt Subroutine AtoD() #6L422+ -uses Discord.bim files This is a 10 page visual aid for identifying the attitudes of a 2x2x2 scramble. 01/27/2025 06:23 PM 3,052,454 ScrambleID-2x2x2.pdf #7 Images: 01/02/2025 06:52 PM 326,033 Attitudes-3D.jpg 01/27/2025 08:37 PM 848,662 EveryVote-Corners.jpg 01/27/2025 08:36 PM 862,273 EveryVote-Edges.jpg 12/18/2024 09:28 PM 680,544 RC+faces.jpg 12/18/2024 09:28 PM 754,485 RC-Faces.jpg 13 File(s) 19,108,551 bytes ------------------------------------------------------------ Total Files Listed: 53 File(s) 452,347,839 bytes